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Monday, December 10, 2012


What a long day!  We were both up early yesterday, getting a few last things ready for the movers, who arrived at about 9am.  At 3pm, the last thing to be loaded was my bicycle, and I don't believe there was much room left for anything else.  Patty and I were a bit surprised that they were able to pack everything into the 32' goose neck trailer, but happy that a return trip to pick up more of our stuff, is not necessary.

We pulled out of Lake Havasu for the last time, facing a 6 hour drive to Tucson.  I pulled the enclosed trailer with the Harley, and Kawasaki inside, and the Yamaha scooter on the motorcycle rack behind the motor home.  Patty drove the Jeep, pulling the small trailer.  About the time we made it down to Interstate 10, darkness was upon us, and the rest of the drive was at night.  When we pulled into the Chance Ranch, it was almost 10pm, and we were both ready for bed.  The movers are arriving this morning at about 9am, and sometime today, I guess we can say that the move from Lake Havasu to Vail (Tucson) will be complete.  Putting everything away, now that's another story.

I tried to load some pictures of the move in progress, but the connection is sooooo slow, those pictures will have to wait. 

An hour or so before we left the empty house, we got a call from our Real Estate agent, Denise, who had some pretty good news.  She had received an offer on the house, and wanted to know if we were going to accept, or counter.  I gave her a figure to counter with, and the prospective buyers have until 5pm today, to accept, reject, or counter again.  We should know something by the end of the day.

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