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Sunday, December 30, 2012


After we made a quick trip to the bank, getting our signatures notarized on several escrow documents, Marc, and Laila came out to the ranch with their new Christmas toys.  They each got a remote controlled, 4 wheel drive jeep, and the story behind Marc's gift was a lengthy one.  Chandra came to me in mid November, asking if I would order this state of the art, R.C. rock crawler from EBAY, for Marc's birthday.   Well, to make a long story short, it didn't arrive for his birthday, and she had to call the company in CA to find out what was going on.  I guess there was some sort of west coast, longshoreman's strike, at least that was what she was told, and supposedly, that was causing the delay.  At the 11th hour, on Christmas Eve day, U.P.S. showed up with the package, averting a mini disaster.  Laila's jeep was a gift from Grandma & Grandpa, and due to it's much slower speed than Dad's, she's now lobbying for a faster one.  We'll see how that plays out.

Our property is the perfect place to play with these toys, as we've got lots of rocks, and lots of ups, and downs.  Like any hobby, there's all kinds of ways to invest more dollars in these machines, and Marc was already talking about a faster electric motor for his jeep.

I didn't get much work done in the garage, but did fire up the new BBQ, just as Marc and Laila were heading back to their house.  I filled up the grill with boneless chicken thighs, and we had BBQ'd chicken for dinner.  Oh yea, almost forgot.  My personal, electronic fixer, found the problem with the printer, and got it working.  Once again, operator error was the culprit!

Laila got a turn with Dad's jeep, which did nothing to diminish her desire for a faster one of her own.
A reluctant 7 year old model with Grandpa.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see Laila playing with the "boys" toys!!!! I have a remote controlled Corvette ... goes 25 mph!! They are lots of fun!!!!! I think she needs a faster one too!!
