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Friday, December 7, 2012


There's only a few things left to do inside the house, and then we'll be ready for the movers.  There's been a slight change of plans regarding the movers timetable, and after talking with them yesterday, instead of arriving mid day Sunday, they'll be driving from Tucson on Saturday afternoon.  The load up will take place on Sunday morning, and we'll all drive to Tucson on Sunday afternoon.  They will bring all of our stuff to the house on Monday morning, which will give us a little time to get the vehicles & trailers out of the way.

Yesterday afternoon, we treated ourselves to another movie, and it was a good one.  I predict that Lincoln will be nominated for several academy awards, and should win more than just a few.  If the history of our country during it's most troubled time is of any interest, this civil war era film is a must see.  I'm certainly not a movie critic, but this Steven Spielberg directed movie is a great look into the life of perhaps our greatest President.  While watching this captivating film about an extraordinarily noble, and courageous leader, I couldn't help but wonder what our country would be like, if someone like Lincoln was in the oval office today.  I suspect that many things would be much different. 

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