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Saturday, December 8, 2012


That was Patty's description of of what was behind the TV when I pulled it away from the wall. When we bought what was "state of the art" 10 years ago, right after moving into this house, the TV with surround sound, stereo, DVD player, and DISH Network receiver, were all installed by the local company where it was purchased.  I didn't pay much attention to how everything was hooked up, but I was aware of the fact that there were a lot of wires behind the TV.  That's sort of an understatement! 

One of the very last things to pack up was all of the electronic equipment, and maybe subconsciously, I saved it for last, because I knew it was a disaster.  The TV has already been replaced by a flat screen, that's up and running at the new house.  Marc asked for this older big screen for Laila's room, so it's making the trip to Tucson.  When we get down there, guess who's getting the call to hook all of this mess back up?  You guessed it.  The electronic whiz kid, who's name starts with an "M", has been designated by Dad, as the wire sorter - outer.  With the new TV, perhaps many of  these wires, and cables won't be necessary, but if I had to start from scratch, I think I would first need an electrical engineering degree, before attempting to reconnect everything.

We're getting close to getting out of here, as the movers are driving up from Tucson this afternoon.  They will spend the night in a motel, then start packing everything tomorrow morning.  As I look around at all of the furniture, boxes, and everything else, I have to wonder if its' all going to fit.  I already have our two trailers packed to the max, so I guess we'll find out tomorrow.


  1. I was amazed that my movers got everything into the truck with room to spare. They were REALLY good at their job!!! Good luck!!!
