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Sunday, December 2, 2012


I spent most of the day in the garage, packing multiple boxes full of more stuff.  I still have several cabinets to clear out, but I think I'm finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel.  Patty worked inside the house, and we even got some of the yard stuff packed up.

While we were working, I got a call from our real estate person who wanted to know if it was OK for another agent to bring his clients by for a looksee.  At 4pm, a couple from Oklahoma took a quick tour, and were gone in a flash.  Not much interest, except for the solar system, which generated a few questions from the real estate agent.  Since property values are on the increase, we're not in any hurry to lower our price of $215,000, and if necessary, we'll just sit on it for awhile.  We briefly discussed the option of renting the house, but only briefly, as we've been down that road before.  Our experience with rental properties, that we've owned in the past, has been almost exclusively bad! 

This morning, Patty wants to head down to the Sunday Flea Market, to look for something that needs to be in her possession.  Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure it won't be anything big, and that's a good thing. 

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