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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The first batch of R-19 wall insulation, and sheet rock, is now gone, as I work my way around the garage.  A little over one half of the south wall is done, enough to start putting up the shelving that will hold a lot of our junk.  Oops, I mean our very valuable personal possessions.  While I was working on the south wall, one of the two garage door openers was being installed.  The smaller door, where the Jeep will be parked, is 10' wide, and 8' tall, and it's now controlled by an electronic opener.  The bigger door (12'wide, 10' tall), is not a normal size, and the track had to be ordered.  That second door opener will be installed sometime next week.

Sometime last night, our gas furnace quit working.  When I tried to relight the pilot this morning, it simply would not light.  I suspect that the thermal couple has gone bad, and needs to be replaced.  I need to get that fixed today, as it's supposed to get down to freezing temperatures tonight. 

The contractor who is scheduled to put up the front awning called yesterday morning, saying that a couple days of rain has put him behind, and he was going to try and start our project sometime today.


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