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Thursday, December 13, 2012


The newest critter to inhabit the Chance Ranch house, if only briefly, was a little tweety bird that I named "Rocky".  We have no idea how this little guy got in the house, except for the fact that with all of the activity around here, the doors are often left open for extended periods of time.

When we tried to herd this pint sized, wannabe eagle out the open door, it was about as successful as herding a group of cats.  Rocky kept flying toward the skylight in one of the bathrooms, perhaps thinking that was his pathway to freedom.  After trying that route several times, he/she kind of gave up, appearing to be exhausted from the futile attempts to fly through a solid object.  For a brief moment, I thought that perhaps I could get my hands on this refugee from the wild blue, but that also proved to be an impossible task. 

Eventually, we got Rocky into the master bedroom, and with the sliding glass door open, he finally discovered his route to freedom, ending his ordeal in bird prison.

Yesterday, the Century Link phone guy activated our house telephone, and installed the DSL Internet line.  Except for a few more boxes, the office is pretty much set up, with all of the furniture in place.  I finished unloading the little trailer, which was mostly filled with garage stuff, and we made a small dent against all of the boxes that are temporarily located in the garage.  More of the same today.

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