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Monday, December 3, 2012


Before we got serious about packing more boxes, a quick trip to the Sunday Flea Market was the first order of business.  Patty found a couple of inexpensive watches, and I picked up another pair of bifocal sunglasses.  When we got back to the Jeep, a turn of the key, and nothing but a click, click, click.  Damn!! The original battery had finally come to the end of it's life, and there we were, stuck in the parking lot.  No jumper cables, and so a quick call to our emergency road service provider got us a promise of help within an hour.  A few minutes later, the phone rang, and it was the local tow company.  The driver said he would be arriving in about 15 minutes, and after a quick jump start, we were off to the local auto parts store.  While Patty waited in the still running Jeep, I picked up a battery.  When we got home, it took just a few minutes to swap the batteries, and we were back to putting more stuff in boxes. 

I should finish with the garage today, and then it's out to the shed for all of that stuff.  Then, I have to decide what's going in our two trailers, and what's going with the movers.  I'm going to try and get the 3 motorcycles, and everything else in this one trip, but I have my doubts if there will be enough room.  If not, I'll have to bring one of the trailers back for what ever won't fit.

We will miss the scenic sunsets over the lake.

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