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Monday, December 24, 2012


It's home improvement, installment 56 coming at ya.  No, I'm not Tim the tool man, but this alternate media device called a blog, has definitely been focused on fixing up the new homestead in the last couple of months.  It was early October when we took possession of the property, and for sure, improvements, and upgrades have been the name of the game.

Day before yesterday, after finishing the south "shelf wall", I focused my attention on the north east corner, where my work shop will be located.  Again, the first order of business was to insulate, and sheet rock the walls, before moving anything up against them.  In this corner, the drywall (sheet rock) is going half way (4 feet), and pegboard takes the wall up to 8 feet. 

By the time I ran out of insulation, and sheet rock for the second time, I had most of the corner done.  The first work bench is in place against the north wall, with my tool box next to it.  The last picture shows the second work bench in it's position, with one more bench yet to be built.  A quick trip to Home Depot replenished the supply of insulation and sheet rock.  By the time we got back home, and unloaded everything, it was time to quit for the day.  My body is ready for a break in the action, so with today being Christmas Eve, I think I'll tell the boss that I'm taking a couple of days off.  Wait a minute!  I am the boss.     

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