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Sunday, December 16, 2012


Even though it's a little late to be putting up Christmas decorations, that's exactly what Grandma, and Laila did yesterday evening.  Considering that we just got our furniture moved into the house last week, the fact that we were able to find the Christmas stuff, was the first seasons miracle!  Laila spent the night, and in fact, it was the first night that any of us had slept in the house.  Gracie was pretty spooked at first, then later, became comfortable with the new surroundings. Sami is comfortable anywhere, as long as there's food, water, and a place to close her eyes.

After most of the Christmas tree was done, the girls retreated to the kitchen, and created something out of popcorn.  Normally, anything with popcorn in it, would be right inside my wheelhouse, but I must admit, this concoction wasn't anything like your movie theater popcorn.  I guess they had fun making it, and that's what really counts.

We're slowly making progress with getting things organized, but it's going to be a lengthy process.  I started to insulate one of the walls in the garage, so that I can start to put up shelving, and get stuff off the floor.  That's also going to be a time consuming job.  Tomorrow, the awning contractor will be here, and will start putting up the cover that will shade the front of the house.  He's also going to fix the crappy job that was done when the back deck  awning was put up.  When the awnings are up and fixed, that will be the last of the large expenses for awhile.  A couple of garage door openers is on the horizon, but no hurry for that job.

Laila with the popcorn creation that she and Grandma prepared.

I can't help but think about all of those families in Connecticut, who no longer have children, and my heart has a huge hole in it.  Spending time with Laila is so precious, and rewarding, I simply can't imagine the trauma, and grief that those innocent families are suffering.  All of these senseless shootings are tragic, but this latest one that took so many children's lives, raises the consciousness bar way above anything that has happened thus far.  I wish I had an answer, but absent our schools, and other public places becoming fortresses, I guess there is no magic solution. 

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