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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Getting the motor home packed, serviced, and repaired has been our focus for the last few days.  One of the things on my "to do" list, was to either replace the two passenger side slide top awnings, or re-tape the front and back seams.  The stitching (thread) started to deteriorate a couple of years ago, but I've been able to keep those leading edges together with clear awning tape.  I've already replaced the two slide toppers on the other side of the motor home for the same reason.

Re-tapping the seams was my first inclination, but when I took a closer look, the thread was all but gone, and the tape only lasts for a short time.  So, I got a quick sewing lesson from Patty, borrowed her biggest needle, and restitched the front and back seams on both awnings with double fishing line.  I think it's safe to say, that by the time this thread on steroids deteriorates, there's going to be lots of other components that will probably be dust in the wind. 

One of my favorite beverages is the non-alcohol beer Sharps.  When I quit drinking the leaded stuff  a few decades ago, I never lost the taste for beer, and Sharps has been my substitute choice ever since.  Non-alcohol beer, particularly Sharps was much more popular 10-15 years ago, but now, it's almost impossible to find.  The only places in Arizona that carry the stuff, are the big box beverage stores like BevMo, or Wine and More.  Even those specialty stores usually only stock a few twelve packs. 

A few summers ago, while spending most of that time in OR & WA, I was surprised to find that there were a few stores that actually stocked Sharps.  Well, being one for not leaving anything to chance, I special ordered 10 twelve packs, and loaded them in the motor home yesterday.  As I said yesterday, we take some stuff out, and we usually put more stuff back in.  Countdown  - two days to launch!

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