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Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Well, almost.  I still have a few things to do, but for the most part, the excavating, and resurfacing is finished.  The job was completed yesterday, and except for writing the final check, I was very pleased with the work, and the end product.  The driveway is now entirely on our property, and the hill near the street is less steep, with a more gradual transition.  Now, the motor home won't have a clearance problem, either coming, or going.

An added bonus was a truck load of fill dirt on the lower loop of the circle drive to the left.
 All of the fill material moved the road to the left, and made the grade less steep.

George, the owner of Advanced Excavating was leaving the water truck for a couple of extra days, and said he would be back for another soaking, and re-rolling of the new surface.  When they were finished yesterday, Patty drove the Jeep in from the street, and the new re-cycled asphalt was already so hard, that I couldn't see any tire tracks.  Based on an additional cost of about $5,000 for regular, hard asphalt, I think this surface will do just fine.

 The pile of recycled asphalt is the second truck load.  A total of 5 truck loads (75 tons) was necessary to resurface the 250 feet.

The next project is a solar powered double gate, near where the asphalt ends.  I have most of the materials I need to build the gate, except for the gate posts, and a battery.  Finding railroad ties in good condition, to use for gate posts is a challenge, so my neighbor was contacting a friend who might have a telephone pole that I can cut to the right lengths. 

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