With the quick trip back to Lake Havasu, and the retrieval of lots of our stuff, the job of getting everything organized, mostly in the kitchen, began in earnest yesterday. Patty started by lining some of the shelves, then unpacking many of the boxes. I found that the 4 smoke detectors were either not connected, or they had no batteries. I think that the main reason none of them worked, was that they had been neglected, painted upon, and even with new batteries, I couldn't get any of them to function properly. Add that to the list of things to purchase.

At 2:30, we picked up Laila at school, and made quick stops at the hardware, and grocery store on the way home. We have our Grand Daughter for the weekend, giving Mom & Dad a little break. When we got back to the house, Grandma & Laila tackled more boxes, and someone found that playing in the empty boxes was much more fun. Later, Grandpa BBQ'd a couple of pork loins, and after dinner we watched the Chronicles of Narnia, a movie that Laila had selected from her school library.
Late yesterday afternoon, I got a call from the Garage Contractor, that they finally got a building permit from the county. The Cement Contractor will be here Monday morning, and I've been assured that everything will go pretty fast, once they start digging the footings for the foundation.
As soon as this fairly large garage (32' wide x 47' feet long) gets up, we can get serious about moving everything to Tucson.
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