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Monday, November 19, 2012


Marc, Chandra, & Laila came over for a Sunday morning breakfast, and I finally convinced Laila to pose for a picture.  One of her top front teeth is so loose,  she can push it forward with her tongue, close her lips, and the loose tooth sticks out like it's the only one in her mouth.  As loose as the tooth is, it's not quite ready to come out, as several attempts have been made at an extraction.  I think any day now, somebody will be talking with a lisp.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we're looking forward to spending the day with our family, and enjoying the traditional feast.  We've already purchased the Butterball turkey, and Chandra, Patty, and Aunt Claudia will be putting together all of the other yummy stuff.  Tomorrow, our oldest son, Micheal will be flying back to Afghanistan, and we'll all be thinking about him a lot, until he returns to his wife Amy, and their home in Georgia.

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