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Sunday, November 11, 2012


I won't pretend that I know much about the pottery piece, or the basket that arrived in the mail a few days ago.  Patty's brother Michael, who lives in S.F., obtained both of these pieces on a recent visit with his friend Jamie, who lives in New Mexico.  Knowing that his sister is a collector of Native American baskets, and pottery, Mike gave Patty an early Christmas present.   When she opened the box, there was a detailed description of the history for this particular type of pottery, with origins in Mexico.  I think she said that this piece dates back about 60 years, and the artist was responsible for resurrecting the techniques that are utilized with making pots such as this.  I know she was pretty thrilled when she opened the box, and was grateful to add these two pieces to her collection.

On a recent trip downtown, while browsing in a western style furniture store, Patty spotted this arrow quiver made from a fox hide.  She wanted this picture for her pal Nancy, who has recently begun a project to redecorate part of her house with Native American/Western pieces.  Needless to say, I'm pretty clueless when it comes to stuff like this, other than a lot of it is kind of neat to look at.

Due to the rain yesterday morning, my floor repair guy called to cancel.  As I mentioned, taking the front doors off during a rainstorm wouldn't have been a very good idea.  He's tentatively scheduled to return tomorrow.  The lumber for the garage is also due to arrive tomorrow, and the roof trusses the day after.  If, and that's a big if, according to my contractor, if everything goes as planned, we'll have a finished garage by this Friday.  The only thing that will not be completed, is the two insulated garage doors, that are coming from Utah.

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