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Monday, November 5, 2012


The original "flip flop" girl, would be content wearing one her many pairs of beachwear sandals, just about year round.  In Southern Arizona, that would be very doable, however, her school doesn't allow open toed shoes, and Grandpa & Grandma decided that a new pair of tennies was in order.  Keeping shoes that fit, on a growing 7 year old is a bit of a challenge, especially when this one can't stand to wear any kind of shoe, when her toes are even remotely close to touching the front of the footwear.

Off we went in search for the perfect pair of tennis shoes, and after a visit to Target, we/she found the perfect pair of Sketchers at Famous Footwear.  After a stop at Wendy's for lunch, we headed back to the ranch.

The project of the afternoon for the girls was the baking of pumpkin spice bread, while I continued with several of my projects.  When they had gathered all of the ingredients, into the bread maker machine they went, and it was done a few hours later.  It was so tasty, that after dinner, we all had a few slices for desert. 

The finished product was pretty darned good!

I'm up early this morning, (4:10 am), because we have transitioned from having Laila on the weekend, to a school day.  She's staying with us one more night, and we'll be taking her to school this morning, then picking her up this afternoon.  

Armed with the building permit, the concrete contractor will be here this morning to make some final measurements, then the entire crew & machinery will be here tomorrow.  He thinks they will be able to dig the foundation footings, and get it framed up in one or two days, and that the concrete will be on the ground by the end of the week.  We'll see.................  

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