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Tuesday, November 20, 2012


When the roofers were finished, I started moving about 12-18 inches of dirt away from the right side of the new garage.  I have a 12 foot wide area next to the building that's going to be used as a parking area for trailers, the tractor and it's implements.  From the top of the slab, to the roof eve is 11' 3", and when I'm finished, there will be a little over 12 feet.  Almost enough clearance for the motor home, but not quite. 

I'm going to extend the roof out 12 feet, from just under the eve, and with close to the same slope as the roof, by the time it gets out to the end, there will be about 10 1/2 feet of clearance.  That will be high enough for everything except the motor home, which needs a minimum of 13 feet.  Eventually, there will be some type of shade cover to the left of the house for the motor home.

All of this extra dirt is going over to the lower driveway, which I'm widening, and building up, so that it is more on the same level as the upper drive.  The idea is to make it easier to turn the motor home around, instead of having to back up and go forward a bunch of times.  When all of the dirt is moved to where it needs to be, I'll have several truck loads of driveway gravel brought in to cover it. 

Today, the two garage doors are supposed to arrive from Salt Lake City, and when they are installed, along with the man door, and the 3 windows, the only thing left will be the paint.  We're getting close!

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