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Thursday, November 29, 2012



With a tractor, even a small one like my Kubota L39, you can dig up a lot of dirt and move it around.  When I first got here, about 2 months ago, I identified several areas where dirt needed to be removed, and other places where it needed to go.  I had 80 tons of fill dirt delivered, and it was used to build up the area next to where the motor home is parked.  Now, there's enough room to drive around the motor home into the back of the property.

The next priority was to level the area where the garage was built, removing most of that material to the lower driveway.  The first picture shows the lower driveway, which was about wide enough for a regular vehicle.  When I drove the motor home onto the property, I knew that it had to be widened, particularly for those times when I would need to make a turn around the circular driveway.

The second picture shows where I stacked the dirt adjacent to the lower driveway, and the last picture shows that same area after I leveled it all off.  I probably added about 10 feet of width to the lower drive, and it should now be a little easier to turn the motor home around.

This morning, I'll find out, as we're leaving for a few days.  This trip back to Lake Havasu will be when we pack most everything up, and get it from there, to here.  Patty did some price checking with moving companies yesterday, and it looks like $3,000 is about the average number.  Renting a large truck for the one way trip will be around $7-800, including fuel.  I think we're going to go the later route, and hire a couple of strong, young kids to load the heavy stuff, and save a bunch of money.   We'll see how that develops once we get to Havasu.

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