The drive between Tucson and Lake Havasu City, is one that's almost an auto pilot trip for us. In the motor home, it takes just about 6 hours to cover the 325 miles, and that usually includes a stop or two for fuel, and whatever. We pulled out of the Chance Ranch at 9am, and arrived at the old homestead just before 3pm. There wasn't much time left to start any serious packing, however, that didn't stop Patty, as she dove into one of the closets, sorting through clothes that will either go with us, or end up at one of the local charities.
When I looked around the garage, one of my first thoughts was that we're going to need a bigger truck! Lots of stuff to get from here to there. We did get a call from a mover in Tucson, that gave us a quote of around $2,000. That number is more to my liking, and is only a few hundred dollars more than what it's going to cost us for a rental truck, fuel, and the hiring of temp labor on both ends. We're checking with a couple of other movers here in Lake Havasu, and we'll have to make a decision in a few days.
Capital City Museum
7 hours ago
I used a moving company ... sooooo much easier!!!!! The money was worth it twice over!! As they brought stuff in the door, I pointed out the room it would go to. They even set the beds up for me.