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Thursday, March 7, 2013


Laila's school days are pretty structured, with certain things happening at certain times.  The morning, afternoon, and evening routines don't vary much, even when she stays with Grandma & Grandpa.  As a first grader, she has homework every day, she must read at least 15 minutes, with one of us signing off on the reading time.  Her reading skills are way above what I think I can remember when I was about the same age.  I know, that's a long time ago, but I'm certain that I didn't read as well as she does when I was in the first grade.  Marc & Chandra have chosen a private, Christian school for Laila, and it's pretty obvious that she's getting a good educational foundation.  Bath & dinner are the same time each day, and bedtime, which used to be a struggle, is now accepted without hardly a fuss.

Thursday's are spelling test day, and almost without exception, Laila gets 100%.  She has already gotten 100% on this weeks spelling pretest.  Yea, we're pretty proud of our little girl, and even more proud of the loving, involved parenting by Marc & Chandra.  But of course, I'm just a wee bit biased!


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