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Monday, October 21, 2013


Working the Tucson Rodeo in February of each year, was something that we've done for about the last 8-9 years.  MainGate, the company that we contracted with, to sell the official merchandise (hats, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.), has decided not to partner with the Tucson Rodeo Committee for 2014. 

For the last few years, we've known that it was a year to year thing, so it wasn't a big surprise when I got the phone call a couple of days ago.  As far as events go for MainGate, the Tucson Rodeo was a small one, and with all of their other business growth, particularly with NFL team merchandise, the rodeo was expendable.  One of the reasons that they kept the Tucson Rodeo on their event calendar, was the fact that it might have provided a window for them to return to the huge National Finals Rodeo (NFR) in Vegas.  MainGate lost the contract to the NFR a few years ago to a company (A3 Entertainment) that we contracted with for their first year in Vegas.  That's another story altogether, but suffice it to say, A3 was so poorly organized, that we said adios after completing the event, and a terrible experience.

The manager of the Tucson Rodeo (Gary) has been on the NFR committee for years, and he provided a positive voice for MainGate.  The thinking was that if A3 wasn't providing satisfactory results to the NFR, Gary was the guy who might advocate for MainGates return to what was a multi million dollar event.  I guess at some point, it became clear that reacquiring the NFR contract wasn't going to happen, and MainGate made a business decision to step away from Tucson.

Patty and I both enjoyed working the Tucson Rodeo, becoming a part of the family of workers, and volunteers that make this event one of the top rodeos in the country.  It was 10 straight days of work, but the pace wasn't hectic like some of MainGate's other events.  We'll miss our relationships with all of those folks, but as they say, "all good things must come to an end".   

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