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Monday, January 6, 2014


We pulled out of the old homestead a few minutes after 8am, destination Indio, CA.  On a Sunday morning, the traffic on Interstate 10 through Tucson was light, as we headed W/B toward the I8 - Hwy 85 bypass around Phoenix.  When we got back on I10 west of Phoenix, the traffic was getting heavier, and when this small convertible passed me the first time, I did the proverbial double take.

When the car pulled over, then passed me a second time, I was ready with the camera.  Was there really a driver in there, or was this some kind of remote control experiment, with junk disguising the electronic gizmo steering the car??  My inquiring mind just had to know............

My curiosity got the best of me, and I sped up, trying to at least get a glimpse of a person driving this shrunken down version of a Mayflower moving van.  When I pulled alongside on the left and took the last picture, I actually did see part of a person behind the wheel.  In my old traffic law enforcement days, I think this driver and I would have been having a chat alongside the freeway.

Just after crossing the Colorado River into CA, we passed through the non staffed inspection station, that is unique to CA.  I've driven in 49 states, and CA is the only one that has agricultural inspection stations on all major highways entering the state.  Even when there are live bodies at these checkpoints, I've always felt like they are a complete waste of taxpayer dollars.  RV's are particular targets, due to the fact that most have refrigerators, and lord knows, you might be carrying some sort of toxic vegetable or fruit across the state line.  Usually, the only question is "where are you coming from", and with a reasonable answer, you're quickly on your way. 

I'm not sure who was the most stressed out during the drive, Miss Snoopy Cat, or her mom.  The scardy cat started out in a small carrier on Patty's lap, but that went from bad to worse after a few miles.  With continual meow's, sometimes bordering on howls, Patty took her out of the carrier, and tried to hold the kitty on her lap.  But, the frantic feline was having no part of that either.  When allowed to wander, she eventually found a place to sit, as Patty guarded the entrance to the bedroom, thinking that the kitty would get under the bed, never to be seen again.  Not the most comfortable trip for the over protective mother.

After we got parked in Indio, and put a couple of the slides out, the kitty hid near the bed for awhile.  Later, she came out, and explored every nook and cranny of her new house.  By the time we went to bed, she was pretty close to being back to normal. 

This morning, we (18 motor homes) move as a group over to the Riverside County fairgrounds, where we'll be parked for about a week.  The rally officially starts on Wednesday.

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