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Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Parking spot for the last two nights.

With the RV rally finished, and most of the motor homes gone, yesterday was kind of a do nothing day.  We left the fairgrounds once to pick up a few groceries, but that was about it.  Some reading, and TV filled up the rest of the day.  

Nancy is parked a few hundred feet away, and unfortunately, she caught a cold toward the end of the rally, so she was kind of house bound yesterday as well.  We won't be in a big hurry this morning, but we'll be saying adios to Indio, and will be traveling approx. 150 miles S/E to Yuma, AZ.  It was about this time 2 years ago, that Nancy purchased her new Phaeton motor home from La Mesa RV in Yuma, and she has an appointment with them for some repair work.
We'll be in Yuma for a week, enjoying the predicted high 70 degree weather, and taking advantage of some of the snowbird activities that take place there every year.   I almost felt guilty yesterday, when I turned on one of the motor homes air conditioners.  The temperature peaked at just under 80, and I couldn't help but feel for the folks in the north and east, where winter still has it's icy grip on much of the country.   Southern CA, and AZ aren't the greatest places to spend the summers, but right now, the weather is just about perfect!

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