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Saturday, January 4, 2014


It was back to the movie theater yesterday afternoon, and this time, we got there before the film started.  Walking with Dinosaurs was what Laila wanted to see, and I must admit, it was a pretty entertaining movie.  Going in, I thought that I might catch a "cat nap" but instead, the reality that computer animation brings to feature films these days, kept me totally involved with the story line.  Price of admission - $18.  Price of popcorn, soda, and candy - $19.

Back at the ranch, Grandma & Granddaughter got busy in the kitchen, making pudding, and brownies.  Laila is using a hand mixer that someone paid way too much for at Quartzsite last year.  It has mostly sat in the drawer, but came out yesterday for some use.  Those impulse purchases don't always work out to be the best deals, but at the time, it was a gotta have thing.  Full disclosure - I'm the one who thought he couldn't live without it. 

 "When I grow this high, I'll be as tall as Grandma".

These two are practically inseparable.

Mom and Dad return home from CA today, and tomorrow, the wheels on the motor home will turn for the first time in about 3 months.  It's a little under 400 miles from here to Indio, where we'll be meeting a bunch of our RV friends.  We've both enjoyed being home since our return from last summer's Alaska trip, but for me, I've been doing quite a bit of scratching on the hitch itch lately, and it's going to feel really good to get back behind the wheel of the motor home. 

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