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Saturday, January 25, 2014


 A two car accident on Hwy 95, south of Quartzsite

From where we have the motor home parked, off Hwy 95 south of Quartzsite, it's a little over 4 miles into town.  In years past, the morning traffic would often be backed up for a mile or more, but until yesterday, we haven't dealt with any traffic jams.  About half way into town, I noticed the brake lights coming on ahead of us, and when we crept forward, the flashing lights, and the damaged cars explained what was going on.  

On that same subject, there was a noticeable absence of vendors in a couple of the flea markets, with less people wandering around.  That trend seems to reflect a sign of the times, and about the only place we didn't notice a lack of bargain hunters, was in the big tent.  It was still pretty crowded the other day when we wandered through, playing human bumper cars with our shoulders and elbows.

 Not too many folks at this flea market on the west end of town.

We spent several hours wandering through the last 2 flea markets, before heading back to the motor homes for a lunch break, and so that Nancy could let out her two pups.  After lunch, we went back into town to check out the last community of pop ups, surrounding the Quartzsite Improvement Association building.  We quickly found out that the theme of this market of fleas was almost exclusively rocks, minerals, and jewelry.  What???   No tools, no junk, no piles of stuff to look through for that elusive treasure, hiding beneath a pile of someone else's cast offs!  I quickly decided that I would find another place to occupy my time, while the girls ohhhed & awwwed over all of the polished rocks, and jewelry.
Unfortunately for the proprietor, most folks were following the signs advice.

This morning, we'll be saying adios to Nancy, and heading east toward the old homestead.  It's been a busy three weeks, and we've enjoyed visiting with all of our friends.  But, it's time to get home, and catch up with all of those things that have been put off while we've been playing.  Tomorrow, by the end of the day, and with a little bit of luck,  we'll have a metal house for the motor home.  

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