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Sunday, January 5, 2014

READY, SET..............

Almost go.  Except for the last minute stuff, the motor home is cleaned, packed, and pointed toward the gate.  I'm shooting for an 8am departure this morning, which will give us plenty of daylight to travel the 384 miles to Indio, CA.

Laila and Grandma had one last kitchen project before her several day visit came to an end.  They made some oatmeal cookies which were delicious, and are already in the motor home.  Once again, we've enjoyed having our Granddaughter stay with us for the past 5 days, but all good things usually come to an end at some point.  Marc & Chandra landed back in Tucson yesterday afternoon, and after some hugs, & goodbyes, our house was back to normal.  I used to think that the cat was the main beneficiary when Laila left, but I'm not so sure any more.  The play time, and all of the attention that she devotes to the kitty, certainly cuts down on the Snoopy slumber time, but it's hard to tell which one is having the most fun when toys are being dragged, and chased around the house.
"I don't want to play anymore, I just want to sleep"

These next 3 weeks will probably be a blur, with the first week at the Family Motor Coach Ass'n Western Rally at the fairgrounds in Indio.  Then, a week in Yuma, then another week or so at the annual gathering of RV's in the desert at Quartzsite, AZ.  Lots of stuff to see and do in the coming days!

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