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Sunday, January 19, 2014


Just when we were pretty sure that our Snoopy Cat had found every nook and cranny in the motor home,  she surprised us a couple of days ago, when we found her on top of one of the slide outs.  When the slides are in, there is a few inches between the top of the slide, and the ceiling.  From the top of the drivers seat, our monkey cat made the jump up to where she is looking down at me in the first picture.   After a few minutes of exploring the entire top of the slide, she jumped back down.  I guess she figured that it wasn't too exciting up there.  Now, a small pillow stuffed above the drivers seat keeps that new territory off limits.  Hopefully, I'll remember to remove the pillow before putting that slide out next time.

Not much was accomplished yesterday, except that I got up on top of Nancy's motor home, and repaired an area where some tape had come loose in the area of where the front cap attaches to the fiberglass roof.  While the girls went to the grocery store, I took care of a few small chores, and later, we all went to Golden Corral for a late lunch, early dinner.

I used to frequent the Golden Corral in Lake Havasu, mostly for breakfast, and it was always good, but not great.  All of our choices yesterday at this super buffet, were above good, bordering on really good.  As we all know, the tendency at buffet restaurants, is to over do it.  Despite the good food, I think we did pretty well with the urge to over indulge.  When we left, I know I wasn't hungry any longer, but at least I was still able to walk normally.

At the end of this day, we will know what two cities will be represented in this year's Superbowl.  My prediction is that the biggest football game of the year will pit the 49ers against the Broncos.  Guess where I'm going to be this afternoon?  GO 9ERS!!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you are going to have to root for Denver after all! HA. Go Hawks.
