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Sunday, January 12, 2014


During the course of any given year, we typically spend more time in our motor home, than we do at our sticks & bricks house.  Getting our new Snoopy cat acclimated to the RV has been important, simply because we spend so much time in it.  These past few days at the FMCA RV Rally here in Indio, CA have been interesting for us to watch this feline live up to her new name, as she has adjusted to her new surroundings.  

 This cabinet above the bed has been Snoopy's choice for daytime snoozes.

For whatever reason, this curious cat has decided for the past two mornings, that she needed to jump up to the top of the shower glass.  Patty captured this image yesterday morning.  If we leave a cabinet door open, or a drawer pulled out, the kitty is there in a heartbeat.  The words inquisitive, curious, or just plain nosy, don't begin to describe this cat's personality.  

 A climb to the top of the shoe rack was a "must do" the other morning.

I had the new electrical management system (EMS) by Progressive installed yesterday morning.  As I mentioned before, this takes the place of the Powermaster box that has failed twice.  The Powermaster (when working), protected against electrical surges, and boosted low power up to 10%.  The Progressive system doesn't boost power, but it does give better protection against low power below 105 volts, or high power above 131 volts, by shutting off the power to the coach.  It also shuts down the incoming power for things like open neutrals or grounds, and reverse polarity at the power source.  Based on our experiences over the years, some sort of electrical protection is money well spent.

We spent the last day of the rally doing the ice cream thing for the second day, and the girls bought some cooking stuff from one of the vendors.  I watched the Seahawks beat the Saints, and after happy hour was over, called it a day.  This morning, I'll take some of the guys over to pick up 5 golf carts, and then our group does cleanup around the fairgrounds for about an hour.  When that's finished, some of us will be moving the rigs over to a full hookup site, where we'll stay for an extra couple of days. 

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