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Saturday, November 16, 2013


Closing the end of the steps away from the house, with a small retaining wall, was part of the plan for this transition down to the RV shade cover.   The digging, leveling, stacking of the block, and filling the wall with concrete was done by mid afternoon.  The last thing I finished yesterday was framing an area at the bottom of the steps for more concrete.  I'll call this the step landing, and from there, some sort of short, paved walkway will connect the steps to the the RV shade cover. 


Speaking of RV shade cover, I received the county's OK for the additional square footage, via an email letter yesterday.   Of the 11 adjoining properties, Patty and I contacted 10 of the owners, and got them to sign off on the project.  The only property owner we didn't contact was the Union Pacific RR. recap......The county sent one letter to the RR, who also didn't object, then they sent me an approval letter.  Other than to look at my application, that's two total cost - $263!  Don't you just love government bureaucracy!

More good news came in the mail yesterday in the form of the engineered plans and calculations from the metal building company.   By the time I picked up the mail at the PO Box, it was too late to drive into Tucson and give the county more money for a building permit.  First thing Monday morning, that will be at the top of the list of things to do.  I'm hoping to get the first foundation inspection by midweek, and get the concrete poured by the end of the week.  When that's done, I can frame up the other side, get it filled with concrete, and then I'll be ready for the building to go up.  Late this month, or early December is the target for the house on wheels to have it's new home.

I got a call from my buddy Everett in Jamestown yesterday evening, asking if I had heard from Patty or Nancy.  I had not, and only knew that they were supposed to fly back to S.F. from Costa Rica yesterday, but I didn't know anything about flight times.  As of 9pm when I hit the sack, I still hadn't heard anything, so I suspect it was a late flight, and probably a long day for the girls.  I should hear something today, and Patty's flight back to Tucson leaves Fresno tomorrow at 12:30pm. 

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