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Sunday, June 19, 2011


The Plaza as we call it, is where the only grocery store is located, and it's where Patty works. Other than a couple of other souvenir gift shops, the general store is the only game in town, unless of course you leave town, and drive the 65 miles to Williams, or the 75 miles to Flagstaff.

Patty says that the company she works for, Delaware North Corp. has been a good fit so far, and that she's enjoying working with her mostly younger co-workers. Being a checker on the grocery side of the store has been a bit challenging, but after moving heavy items like ice and cases of beer across the scanner for a summer, she thinks the positive will be monster muscle biceps!

Another positive is that she can walk from the motor home to work, as it's only about 1/2 mile. Bringing the bicycles isn't working out to be my best idea, as so far, neither of us has used them at all. Several of my shifts end after dark, and riding a bicycle a couple of miles back to the motor home isn't what I consider a very good idea. When Patty works late, I drop the car at the plaza, so she won't have to walk home in the dark. When I say dark, I mean it's really dark here, unless like the past few days, there's been a full moon. If we return next summer, I will bring one of the motorcycles as a second means of transportation, but so far, just having the jeep is working OK.

Speaking of leaving town, this morning, I'm headed down to Flagstaff to pick up some stuff that's not available here. It's been almost a month since I last made the trip, and there's several things that we need. With different days off, it's not likely that we'll be able to do much together, but that's one of the adjustments we committed to, when this summer of work began.

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