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Friday, June 24, 2011


I've kept my frustration with our politicians under wraps far too long. At the risk of polarizing the conversation, it's time to allow some of those frustrations an outlet. So, here we go...........

The elephants and the asses are engaged in an ongoing debate about whether to raise the debt limit over the existing 14 + TRILLION. That's trillion with a "T"! The Dems argue that we have to raise the limit or the country will default for the first time in our history. The Repubs argue that without an equal amount of spending cuts, they won't vote for increasing our credit card limit. There's obviously a lot more involved with this debate, however, the basics are no different than how we as individuals handle our personal debt. You don't need a degree in economics to understand that when you spend more than you make, eventually the can that has been kicked down the road, will at some point fall off the cliff.

I think that the can is precariously close to the edge, and if it falls off, the consequences could be devastating to all Americans. This isn't about political ideology, it's about doing the right thing. The right thing is not to continue spending trillions more than we take in. Yes, spending cuts will have detrimental impacts on perhaps many of us, but we're at the point where it has to be done, or the alternatives are very bleak indeed. It's not rocket science, it's just common sense. Unfortunately, there seems to be very little of the later in Washington D.C.

With such a huge divide between the two parties, gridlock is usually the word of the day, week, or month. I think that individual Americans are taxed enough, and with the 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world, increasing revenue through higher taxes is NOT an option. The only answer is to cut spending, and balance the budget. What's wrong with a balanced budget amendment to the constitution? We have to balance our checkbooks, why doesn't the government have to do the same. We don't have the option of going to our copy machine and printing money, and the government shouldn't have that option either.

Patty and I are the leading edge of the Baby Boomer generation, and my concerns are not so much for our future, but for the future of our kids and grand daughter. This reckless spending, and idea that government should provide for all of our needs has to stop! I think that countries like Greece are the canary in the coal mine. With no more money to provide all of the social programs, the result is rioting in the streets. It's kind of like feeding wildlife here at the Grand Canyon. When the squirrels start depending on people food, they often die when it's taken away. That analogy is simple, but ever so true.

Arguments can be made on both sides of the aisle, but when it comes right down to it, all of our elected representatives are supposed to be looking out for our best interests, and the best interests of America. Somehow, I think that political ideology has become more important to our politicians than the use of common sense, and that's unfortunate. There, now I feel better.


  1. Dan... seems to me it's also time for the rich to pay a little more... since the working class is taking cuts they already paid for.

  2. I just have to say that our government has totally screwed up OUR social security. Am I the only one upset about that? Of course, I am 3 months away from collecting mine. What I am upset about is the fact that I have paid into the fund (by law) that is supposed to be ours. Our so called gov. has 'borrowed' it away. Am I the only one that thinks this is wrong? I hope not!
