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Friday, July 3, 2009


Just finished reading Glenn Beck's best seller, "Common Sense", based on Thomas Paine's' writings in 1776, and passed it on to Bob Rush. I won't get into a political dissertation, but for the first time in my adult life, I'm worried about my kids, and my grand kids future. The path that our genius leaders (both political parties) in D.C. are taking us down, is pure and simple, a path to destruction, of the way of life we hold near and dear. The massive debt that is increasing at unsustainable levels, is no different than the individual who runs up his credit card debt, and can only pay the interest, never making a dent in the principle. The annual interest on the national debt today, is $300 billion! These idiots in Washington are taking our once great country down a road that will have a seriously adverse affect on future generations. I have come to the conclusion that, when I vote, if the word incumbent is behind the persons name, he/she probably will not get my vote. OK, enough of the soapbox.
We are enjoying our visit at the Rush RV Resort, and yesterday, we mostly just visited. Watching the 6 year old twins, Jordan & Tristan, is like watching perpetual motion machines. Where does all that energy come from, or maybe, some of us are just getting a little older.

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