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Friday, January 25, 2013


After breakfast, we ventured into town for the last time, checking out a few of the vendor areas that we hadn't hit yet.  With 4 days of "flea Marketing" under our belts, a lot of the stuff for sale all starts to look the same.  The last stop before lunch was a bookstore, and the proprietor has sort of become a celebrity, at least for those who know about him.  We had to show Nancy this fixture of the desert, but as the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words".  Tomorrow, when I have a better Internet connection, I'll post photos of this bookstore owner, that lets just say, are slightly unconventional.

For lunch, we stopped at Silly Al's, where the previous nights crowd was gone.  They were still busy, but we got a table right away, and the pizza was pretty darned good.  From there, we drove out to where the Escapee's have their encampment, hoping to catch up with Tom & Barb Westerfield.  Boomerville is their name for this temporary community of RV's, but unfortunately, Tom & Barb were not there, even though we did find their motor home. 

By then, it was mid afternoon, and not having any other stops to make, we headed back to the motor homes.  I BBQ'd some chicken, and Patty used it to make another one of her super tasty caserole dishes, with pasta, cheese, mushrooms, and lots of other good stuff.  An early campfire, roasted marshmellows, and our last day here at Quartzsite was history.  This morning, we say adios to Nancy, who's headed back to CA, and we'll be on our way home.  It's been a busy 3 weeks, with the FMCA rally in Indio, a week in Yuma, and the last 5 days here in Quartzsite.  As much fun as we've had, it will be good to return to our new home, and pick up where we left off.

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