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Wednesday, January 2, 2013


No blog post this morning, as I had an early appointment for some motor home fixes at Lazy Days RV in Tucson.  I had the Jeep in tow, so Patty and Laila didn't have to follow me into town.  After dropping off the motor home, I made a quick stop at Camping World, and after wandering through each aisle, I left the store without buying a darn thing.  When I walked out the door, I thought that perhaps the world would indeed come to an end, and the dad gumed Mayans would get the credit!

With the wind blowing pretty good, and the temperatures in the upper 40's, we decided that an outdoor activity was out of the question.  When we ran down a few options, Laila picked the Children's Museum.  Even though she has been there several times, and in fact, we had taken her a couple of years ago, that's where she wanted to go.  So, off we went, spending a couple of hours in a pretty fun place for kids.

Grandpa and Laila are seeing who can build the tallest structure out of wood blocks.

 And the winner is.........

After leaving the museum, we had a late lunch at Subway, then it was back to the ranch, where Grandma fixed Spaghetti for dinner.  Lazy Days left a message that the motor home was almost finished, and that it would be ready for pick up, about mid day tomorrow.  So far, the level of service at Lazy Days is a couple hundred miles ahead of the old Beaudry RV, and it's no wonder, at least to me, that Beaudry had to file bankruptcy before closing their doors.  I could write a small book about all of the issues we had with Beaudry, but not here, and not today.

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