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Friday, January 18, 2013


The Yuma outdoor market place is a flea market of sorts, but it's a bit more on the upscale side.  The vendor booths are more like small stores, most are wrapped in tarps, and all are under large metal shade covers.  Everything from clothes to furniture, to jewelry is sold at this very popular location, and during it's days of operation (Thur - Sun), there are large crowds.  Yesterday morning, that was our first destination.

One of the things on both of our shopping lists, was new outside chairs that have the fold up side table.  The very first store we came to had exactly what we wanted, and even though the price for 2 chairs was $50, we got both for $45, and quickly returned them to the Jeep.  It took us a couple of hours to make our way through all of the aisles, and there were a few other small purchases, before we headed to Five Guys for Lunch.

In Yuma, Five Guys is right across the street from IN N OUT, and the debate about who has the best burgers will probably be a never ending discussion.  There's no doubt, that most burger aficionados like myself, will rate both fast food joints right up near the top of the burger wars.  Having said that, the last two times we've visited the guys (Indio & Yuma), my bacon burger didn't have any bacon!  How can you have a bacon cheese burger without any bacon?   My other gripe against the guys, is that they are pretty proud of their burgers & fries, and their prices reflect that self described pride.  My bacon burger, Patty's cheeseburger, fries & small drink was just under $20.  That same menu at IN N OUT would have been about $10.

 Here's a picture of my bacon cheeseburger, without the bacon.

From Five Guys, we made a stop at Pet Smart, finding some doggie steps for our 15 year old Beagle.  Getting up on the sofa, both in the motor home, and at the house, has been more & more difficult.  Now, she can get to her sleeping spot without us having to pick her up several times during the day.

This morning, Nancy has an appointment at La Mesa RV, the dealer where she purchased her Phaeton motor home.  A few things need to be fixed before her warranty expires, so I'll follow her to the dealership, and we'll return to our motor home while hers is being worked on.  Three dogs, one cat, and one parrot in our motor home - this should be rather interesting!

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