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Thursday, January 10, 2013


One of many vendors at this years Family Motor Coach Ass'n (FMCA) Western Rally, is Segeway of Orange County, CA. These contraptions have been around for a number of years, but I've never ridden on one.  When we lived in Lake Havasu, we would occasionally see small groups on tours of the London Bridge, riding on these 2 wheeled, people movers.  When Patty & Nancy returned to the motor home from a walk, and Nancy showed me a picture of herself on a Segeway demo ride, I knew I had to check it out.  Later in the day, I crossed another activity off the old bucket list, and rode one of the demo, two wheelers.  They're easy to ride, would be fairly easy to store in one of the motor home bays, and certainly would be an alternative to walking.  However, for $6,000 +, I think my feet will serve the purpose of taking me where ever I want to go, for $0!

 The demo instructions took about 30 seconds, and I was off.

The Chapter Fair is one of the activities that kicks off the rally, and our group had the Golden Spike display set up very nicely.  This is an opportunity for the various FMCA chapters to explain what their group is all about, and serves as a way to recruit new members.  Last year, we gained several new members, as a result of the chapter fair.

Left to right, Ken Carnes, Nancy, Patty, and Bob Poole.
Left to right, Jean Hurt, Betsy St John, Bill Strong, and Bob Tucker, staffing the Golden Spike Chapter tables.

We concluded the evening with a BBQ/ potluck dinner, and as always, there was plenty of food.  Bill & 'D' Hall brought the tri-tips, and Bill headed up the BBQ.  Ken Carnes had the meat slicer, and including our BBQ, there were 3 or 4 others.  The marinated meat was outstanding, and I think we all had as much to eat as we wanted.  After the meal, we had an election of new officers, and the picture above shows the outgoing president, Tom Westerfield (yellow), transferring the title of conductor to our new president Kurt Simon.  Today, all of the vendors will be open, and I think there's something burning a hole in my pocket.

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