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Friday, January 4, 2013


It was about mid day, when we walked down one of the washes on our property, headed toward the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, and the Cienaga Creek Preserve.  Our destination was a "waterfall" on the creek, that supposedly ran year round. 

These two Saguaro cactus' are on our property, near the railroad tracks.
 The three amigos next to the tracks, on their way to the "hideout".

We followed the railroad tracks about 3/4 of a mile, to this drainage tunnel, where the timing was perfect for a picture of Patty & Laila, just as a Union Pacific freight train passed overhead.  This is where we crossed under the tracks, and made our way to the dry creek bed.

 This concrete tunnel is almost 90 years old, and showing it's age.

 Laila watches the freight train pass by.

Once we entered the creek bed, we made a right turn, and walked about another 1/2 mile, to a place where the scenery, and the environment made a complete change. As we approached what looked like a small dam, we could hear running water, but it wasn't coming over the concrete.  On the "up creek" side of the dam, there was a forest of cottonwood trees, and lush greenery everywhere.  It was a magical transformation from  dry desert & cactus, to an almost tropical rain forest.

When we got close enough to check the place out, we discovered that the dam was a diversion structure, that had been built to channel the water into a pipeline.  I previously read about the early settlers, who used the Cienaga Creek water for farming and ranching purposes.  I'm not sure if this was the original site where they tapped into the creek for water, but the structure looked like it had been there for quite some time.

We took a break from our hike, sitting on this rock in the sunshine, where we had some snacks, and drinks.  Laila's PB &J sandwich was a little deformed, after Grandma inadvertently stepped on it, but evidently that didn't change the taste, as Laila still managed to finish it off.

This is where the water is diverted into a concrete tunnel, which turns into a metal pipe.
 Upstream from the dam, Laila & Grandma are thinking about crossing the creek.

On the return hike to the house, Laila & Grandpa walked a good distance on the railroad tracks.  We keep listening for the sound of a train whistle, but none materialized.  By the time we got back to the ranch, we were ready for a break, and glad that we had discovered what Laila called "Our Secret Hideout"

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