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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This mornings attempt to publish a blog post is an experience of patience.  I slept in to the ungodly time of 5:30am, made my coffee, and have been attempting to put this narrative together for the last half hour.  Unfortunately, thousands of other folks are also out of bed, doing their thing with smart phones, and computers.  The cell network is overwhelmed in this small desert community, and it's difficult to do much in the cyber world.  As a result, too late for any pictures, and hopefully when I click on publish, this post will make it's way to Google, and  be the latest chronicle of our adventures.

After a big breakfast yesterday morning, we drove into town, stopping at the big tent.  Nancy purchased a roadmaster defender, the latest gadget from the towbar folks, that gives a good layer of protection for her towed vehicle.  I installed the device when we returned to our motor home camp later in the day.  I picked up the "Little Red Campfire", a propane fueled campfire in a can, that will be a nice alternative to those places where a real fire is prohibited.  At $75, it was a reconditioned unit from the factory, it works perfectly,  and that price was about one half of the suggested normal retail. 

We walked over to the huge Tyson Wells flea market, and made a few small purchases.  By the time we were finished there, it was time to head back to the motor homes.  Nancy had an appointment with an Oregon cabinet shop, that had built her some custom cabinets.  When they arrived, her loveseat was removed, the new cabinets were installed, and she now needs to find a recliner, or some sort of lounge chair to go in the new space.  By the time that work was done, it was getting dark.  We finished the day with some BBQ'd New York steaks, sat around the campfire for an hour or so before retiring to our little houses on wheels.  Today, we have some friends dropping by for a visit,  We haven't seen Len & Ellie for about a year, and Bob & Diana are driving down from their winter home in Lake Havasu. 

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