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Saturday, January 12, 2013


One of the volunteer jobs that our Golden Spike Chapter takes care of each year at the FMCA Western RV Rally, is the passing out of ice cream at each of the two ice cream socials.  Bill Hall does a great job of coordinating this activity, and most of our members look forward to being the "good guys", passing out free ice cream to the rally attendees.  The event only lasts for an hour (noon - 1pm, Fri & Sat), so our members aren't tied up for a lengthy period of time.

As we all gathered at the ice cream social area, Bill and I were among the first to notice that the Schwan's truck was not parked where it usually is.  As we approached the noon hour, still no truck.  I think you can probably see where this is going, and in the interest of full disclosure, our chapter has never had the responsibility for ordering the ice cream.  While Bill was trying to find out who in FMCA was supposed to place the order with Schwans, I asked Nancy to check her smart phone, and come up with a number for Schwans.  At that point, we knew that one of two things had happened.  Either, the order wasn't placed, or, Schwans dropped the ball.  The phone conversation revealed that there was never an order for the ice cream, and that somebody at FMCA was responsible.

While one of the FMCA's vice presidents is trying to find out who was supposed to order the ice cream, Bill is letting him know that our chapter is now looking like the bad guys, and the situation is unacceptable.

The long and short of this misadventure, is that the FMCA vice president who was tasked with the job of arranging for the ice cream to be delivered, failed with that responsibility.  In order to salvage today's free ice cream, several phone calls were being made, in an attempt to find about 2,500 bars of the sweet stuff.

Just before our group headed over to the ice cream area, we got together for a chapter picture.


1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a dissappointment. Were you ever able to get the ice cream bars?
