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Saturday, January 5, 2013


Yesterday was our last partial day of being a homeowner in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.  Escrow closed about mid day, and that's when we were notified by our real estate person, Denise Strong. 

It was a little over 10 years ago, right after we sold our interest in Jamestown Harley-Davidson, that we decided to move to Arizona.  The primary motivation at the time, was to more, or less, become reverse snowbirds.  The traditional definition of a non feathered snowbird, is one who migrates to the warmer climates during the winter, returning to the north during the summer.  Some folks make this migration in RV's, while others have summer & winter homes.  Our thoughts were the reverse, thinking that we would have a home in a warmer winter climate, while traveling, or work camping in our motor home during the summer months.  We knew we wanted to get out of California, and narrowed our search to about 3 or 4 areas.  Las Vegas was kind of on the radar, but the real search for a home was mostly along the Colorado River.  With our choices narrowed to the Laughlin/Bullhead City, Lake Havasu City, and the Yuma areas, it wasn't hard to pick Lake Havasu.

During the later part of 2002, working with the same real estate lady, Denise found us a partially completed new home that we purchased.  When we made the physical move, our friends Bruce & Karen Pryor were a great help, making the trip with us to Lake Havasu.  

During the subsequent years, we returned to Lake Havasu during the winter months, after spending 4 summers work camping in Alaska, 1 summer in Montana, 3 summers traveling around the U.S. & Canada, and finally, 2 summers at the Grand Canyon.  This past summer, when we made the decision to move closer to our family in Tucson, it was with mixed emotions.  We enjoyed living in Lake Havasu, and if given the choice again, probably wouldn't change a thing.

With that chapter of our lives officially closed, we're already transitioning into the next chapter.  After having our Grand daughter Laila stay with us for the past 4 days, and enjoying everything that a 7 year old brings to the table, we're both feeling really good about our decision.

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