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Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The last day of our total 150 days away from home, took us through Phoenix, & Tucson, to our humble abode, southeast of Tucson.  Looking back, it was a wonderful trip, exposing us to some new adventures, and taking us back to some familiar areas.  Except for the dental, kitty, and windshield issues, there were few other challenges, and thankfully, no mechanical breakdowns.  The motor home ran like a top, and the only thing that could have been better was the fuel mileage.

We pulled into the driveway a little after noon, only to discover that I hadn't taken the key to the gate with me.  Into the house for the spare key, and the motor home was soon parked in front, ready to unload.  Boy, did we accumulate some STUFF on this trip!  The fridge is always the first thing to empty, then everything else.  By 5 pm, the job was pretty much done, and we even took care of a few issues in the house.  Today is house cleaning day.

Naturally, Gracie was a little apprehensive about going from her small home of 5 months, to her much larger home.  She seems to be holding her own, except for the weight loss.  A Vet visit is on the agenda in the next few days.

Except for a lot of dust, some dead bugs, and a few other small issues, we were back in the big house routine by the end of the evening.  Yep, it's good to be home, and I'm looking forward to staying very busy with lots of projects in the coming months.   Here's a recap of the trip by way of some stats......

Departure date - April 26, 2013  Return date - September 23, 2013 
Total days gone - 150
States visited - Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho & Alaska.
Canadian Provinces & Territories - British Columbia, Alberta, and the Yukon Territory.

Miles traveled yesterday - 196
Total miles traveled - 10,463

Total expenditure for RV Parks - $1,914.55
Average cost per night - $12.76  (doesn't include annual T.T. dues)

Diesel Flying J Eloy 30.9 @ $3.67 = $113.32
MPG - 8.1
Total average MPG - 7.8
Total fuel expense - $5,775.44
Total gallons of diesel - 1,434.7
Average cost per gallon - $4.03

Number of Quilt Shops visited - Way to damn many!
Memories - priceless


  1. Get Gracie to the vet ASAP. I lost a kitty this summer to Hepatic Lipidosis (fatty liver) when she lost weight too rapidly due to GI ulcers. Once it progresses too far, it is very difficult (& expensive) to treat.

  2. 28 by my count ... just KNEW you wanted to know!! Glad you got home safe ... give Gracie a big hug for me!!
