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Friday, September 13, 2013


 Another awesome pastrami sandwich at the Tsunami Sandwich Co.

A few days ago, if someone had told me that I was going to spend $125 for a kite, I would have told them they were headed for the looney farm.  "No way, it's not going to happen", would have been my exact words, and today, I would be eating those words big time!  As soon as the local kite store here in Seaside opened, Nancy and I were waiting at the door.  

 Here I am, flying my new Prism Snapshot 1.9 air foil kite.

When we heard a disappointing "no, we don't carry prism kites", Nancy was on the phone with more determination than a homicide detective, as she tracked down the closest prism kite dealer.  It turned out that the closest store that carried the kites we wanted was in Long Beach, about a 35 mile drive back north.  When we returned to the motor homes to pick up Patty, we solved a small problem concerning our stay here at the Seaside Thousand Trails.  The park is full, but we needed to lengthen our stay by one day, leaving here this Sunday, instead of Saturday.  Thanks to Charles, the nice young man who sold Nancy here T.T. upgrade a few days ago, and the park manager, they had us taken care of in a matter of minutes.  With that issue solved, we piled in the Jeep, destination Wind World Kites in Long Beach.

When we arrived in Long Beach, Nancy purchased a Prism Snapshot 1.4, and I picked up the larger Snapshot 1.9 at Wind World Kites.  I could have saved about $10-15 bucks by ordering it online, but with kite fever running though our veins, there was no way we were going to wait for the big brown truck to show up.

Back in Seaside, we had lunch for the second time at the Tsunami Sandwich Company, then grabbed Nick & Terry for some more kite action at the beach.  The wind was marginal, but we still had a bunch of fun for an hour or so. 

 The beach is definitely the place for kites.

After a few minutes, and a few crashes, Nancy got the hang of it, making her kite dance all over the place.  The two handles allow you to really fly the Prism Snapshot, and you have the ability to move it left or right, up or down.  Loops and all kinds of other movement is possible, once your proficiency increases.

 Lots of smile yesterday!

Nick was the last kite pilot, and if you look closely, you can see the difference in size, as he flew the orange 1.9 on the right, and Nancy's blue 1.4 is on the left. We left the beach late in the afternoon, with a little more kite flying experience under our belts, and a bunch of smiles on our faces. 

We've been keeping our fingers crossed the last couple of days, as Terry's dad was hospitalized in Phoenix, and there was a distinct possibility that she & Nick might have to make a quick trip to Arizona.  As of yesterday afternoon, it didn't appear that the situation was serious enough for them to leave, and we're hoping her dad will be OK.  A link to Nick's blog (Gypsy Journal) is available to the right, under "Blogs I Follow".

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