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Thursday, September 19, 2013



 Nancy moving her rig yesterday morning.

The morning started with a visit to the Mill RV Park office.  When we checked into the park day before yesterday, we were told that we could only stay one night, that the park was completely full beyond the one night.  When Nancy later got online reservations for the 2nd night that wasn't supposed to be available according to the check in folks, we were prepared to do battle.  When the gal fired up the computer, she found the 2 online reservations, and the worst of the whole deal was that we both had to move into new spaces.  OK, we could live with that, and after getting moved, we headed south toward Bandon.

The West Coast Game Park is located on Hwy 101, about 5 miles south of Bandon.  It's a place that we've visited many times, and is somewhat unique, because there is almost always at least one baby critter, that you can actually touch, and interact with.  We hit the jackpot yesterday, getting up close and personal with 5 juvenile animals.  First up was a young black bear, then in order - a Caracal, a Bobcat, a Tiger, and last, a Red Fox.  Anyone who knows Patty, will understand that she was in high heaven, particularly when she was able to be around and touch the 3 baby cats.  I'll let the pictures speak for themselves...............

Before we knew it, several hours had passed, and we had to say goodbye to our new furry friends.  As we passed through Bandon, I tried to divert the girl's attention, but the eagle eyed fabric ladies spotted another quilt shop, and my goose was cooked!  At least this store had a "husband waiting area" with popular mechanics magazines to pass the time. 


By the time we got back to Coos Bay, it was dinner time, and I bet most folks didn't know that yesterday was National Cheeseburger Day.  Who was I to dishonor a national observance of this most American sandwich.  Besides, having just been dragged while kicking and screaming into the bazillionth quilt shop, I had the upper hand on where we were going for dinner.  My girlfriend Wendy was the choice, and even though the girls didn't order a cheeseburger, I most certainly did!
Today, we're putting on some miles, as we continue southbound along the coast, probably ending up somewhere in California at the end of the day.

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