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Sunday, September 29, 2013


 The stake is where the left front corner of the RV shade structure will be located.

When we moved to this semi rural property last year, I didn't think that I wanted to tackle any really physically demanding projects.  I even made the comment to my son Marc, "I don't think I want to be building any retaining walls".  So, here I am, climbing up and down a bank, carrying heavy block, building a retaining wall.

 This approx. 45 degree embankment drops about 75 feet into the wash.

With the end goal of putting up a metal structure for the motor home, this project is almost a necessity.  Without additional space to the left of the new building, drivable access to the back of the property would be next to impossible.  I actually knew this when I first thought about this area as a permanent parking spot for the motor home, but until I actually layed out where the building is to be located, I kind of forgot about it.  Back when the garage was being built, I even got a couple of quotes from contractors, whose bids for the wall came in at $3,500 to $5,000.  Maybe that's why I put it out of my mind until now.

Faced with the substantial expense of hiring a contractor, I decided to do it myself.  Yesterday, I took the trailer to Lowes (42 mile round trip), loaded it up with about as much concrete block as I thought it could carry, and started construction of the "Great Wall".  By the end of the afternoon, I had layed about half of the first row of block, which is the most critical.  By laying the foundation perfectly level, the rest of the rows will line up properly.  With the structure anchored into the bank with 90 degree support walls, lots of rebar, and a final filing with concrete, this 3-5 foot high wall will be more than adequate for the fill material that's going behind it.

By late afternoon, the old body said "enough", and I called it a day, with some good progress made. On the way back from Lowes, I passed by a place that I had not patronized for over half a year!  Did I stop and have one of the best burgers in the known world?  Nope.  Shedding some pounds will be a priority for awhile, then I'll reconsider visiting my friends Ben & Jerry, and chowing down on a double, double.  Well, maybe it won't be that long, as Lowes is just down the street, and I'm not sure how many times I can pass by, before the irresistible urge overcomes the desire to lose a few extra pounds. 

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