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Sunday, December 8, 2013


Measuring more than twice, I started working on getting the second footing frame built yesterday.  Each concrete footing/foundation is 12" wide and 48 feet long, with the middle of each being almost exactly 18 feet apart.  I say almost exactly because the width varies up to an inch, but there's a little wiggle room, as the bottom frame rails of the building are only 4 inches wide.

Digging a shallow trench was the first order of business, then I started building the frame out of 2"x6"x16' boards.  The three 16 foot boards on each side of the frame equals the 48 foot length.  The building is only 45 feet long, so again, I have a little wiggle room on each end.

Patty, Chandra, and Laila spent most of the day at an arts and crafts event in Oro Valley.  When she returned, the sun was just going down, as I was finishing nailing the last board to the stakes.  I still have a little adjusting to do, then I'll pick up some more 1/2" rebar for placement inside the frame.  I'll call the county tomorrow morning for a Tuesday inspection, and should be ready for concrete on Wednesday.

With this second footing finished, the site will be ready for the building.  I still have to run the wires through the 50 amp electrical extension, and mount a new plug in box on the left side of the building.  A new water line is also close to the left wall, and that still needs to be finished.  Maybe tomorrow, I can get a better idea when the building will be delivered.

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