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Tuesday, December 24, 2013


The wind was blowing pretty good yesterday morning, so it seemed like a good time to bring the kites out for some exercise.  I hadn't flown my Snapshot 1.9 since we were on the WA coast, and we last flew Laila's kite here at the ranch several weeks ago.  My solo attempt with the Snapshot did nothing but tangle the dual lines, so Laila and I put the kites in the truck, and headed down to the local school, where there was more room, and no obstacles.

After flying the Snapshot for a few minutes, I put it away, and got Laila's octopus  kite in the air.  While Laila was watching the Snapshot move my 200+ pounds around, she was afraid her kite would do the same thing.  After some reassurance that she wouldn't be pulled into the wild blue yonder, she took control of her kite, and flew it for quite awhile.  When we both tired of our heads being tilted skyward, we headed back home.

When Marc got off work, he and Chandra came over for a Christmas Eve, Eve, fondue dinner that Patty had planned for several weeks.  I BBQ'd a couple of top sirloin steaks, cutting them into small cubes, while Patty fixed the cheese recipe.  Our cheese dipping menu consisted of streak, shrimp, sourdough french bread, and broccoli, topped off with a desert of strawberries, apple chunks, marsh mellows, and bananna slices that we dipped in chocolate.  Yummy in the tummy!  By the time we finished desert, we were all stuffed.  Just before desert, we dug into our individual stockings, and opened a few gifts.

This afternoon, we'll be heading over to the kids house, where we'll be joined by Marc's Aunt Claudia, and her husband Marty, who we haven't seen since last Christmas.  Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and we'll get up bright and early for a return trip to Marc & Chandra's, to see what Santa Claus left for Miss Laila. 

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