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Friday, December 20, 2013



It's a good thing I finished my steps/walkway project yesterday, because the rain started at 5am this morning, and it's supposed to continue for most of the day.  This might be a good time to do the last minute Christmas shopping, or perhaps do nothing, and stay indoors while listening to the rain fall.

I had to make a trip to Lowes, and to the local materials yard, before putting the finishing touches on the walkway area.  I picked up a half ton of brown colored rock to fill in on both sides of the pavers & concrete, and still had some left over.  I'm glad I only had a small area to cover, because at $38 a ton, spreading it over a much larger area could get pretty expensive.

I'm glad to be finished with this project, which was kind of an after thought when I ran up against some bumps in the road with the county, regarding the RV shade cover.  When the permit process was extended for over a month, I began work on the steps, and eventually finished yesterday with the pavers, concrete, and colored rock.  According to the master plan, this was all supposed to be done after the metal building was erected, but things happen, and now that it's finished, I guess it really doesn't matter.

Hand shoveling the rock was much easier with the tractor bucket up against the back of the trailer.

1 comment:

  1. now hold on here a bit you live wayyyy out of town
    with ROCKS all-a-round you and you pay 38$ a ton,, for ROCKS,,, something you can pick up for free
    Dan put the rake down real,,, slow,,, back a way,,,
    now find your truck and drive down to the nearest INN & OUT BURGER you need a fix your way over due it will save you trust us
