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Saturday, December 28, 2013


The 8 pound pork butt just before going in the smoker.
I sort of had an inkling, that there was another universe out there, having to do with all things related to slow cooking with a smoker.  When I spent some time on the Bradley forum, and checked out a few other Internet sites yesterday, I came away with my suspicions confirmed - if not a universe, there IS indeed another world out there!  By the time I read  a few recipes, learned that there is no universal cooking method, and discovered that there are as many cooking techniques as there are opinions, I walked away from the computer thinking there must be an easier way.

Thanks to Nancy, and her communications with fellow blogger Dennis, she forwarded his tried and true method for cooking a Pork Butt in his Bradley Smoker, and the fog started to clear just a little.  Rather than use a prepared rub, I decided to put together all of the ingredients commonly known as "Jan's Rub", so it was off to the grocery store to pick up the spices that we didn't have.  When we got back home, we mixed it all together, and I rubbed it all over my Butt, oooopppps, all over THE Butt.  I sealed the spices into the meat with Saran Wrap, and put it in the fridge over night.  This morning, I took it out, letting it get closer to room temperature, and then put a coat of mustard on top of the rub.  It went into the smoker at 5:30am, and based on 1 1/2 - 2 hours per pound, it should be done sometime late this afternoon, or early evening.  If this one turns out OK, then the other two that we picked up on sale a couple of days ago, will get the same treatment.  Stay tuned.........................

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