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Thursday, December 12, 2013


Fortunately, Patty and I are not yet part of the growing number of folks (6 million & rising), who have received a notice that their health insurance has been canceled due to Obamacare.  I'll bite my tongue, and save my strong opinion about the so called Affordable Health Care Law for another time. 

In addition to being Medicare qualified, we are lucky to have excellent, supplemental coverage through my former employer, the State of California.  I also consider myself lucky to be married to a Registered Nurse, who's medical knowledge, and skills, often supplement our health insurance coverage.  A good example was yesterday, when the wax buildup in my ears had reached the point where my already bad hearing, had become much worse.  Armed with a syringe, some probes, and an instrument to better see in the ear canal, Patty was able to dislodge the obstructions, and the result was a little better hearing without a trip to the doctor's office.  As a play on words, I'm calling my situation - Omomacare!

I think our Snoopy Cat has made the adjustment, and is pretty comfortable in her new home.

I have a concrete delivery scheduled this morning at 10am, and wouldn't you know it, there's a 40-50% chance of showers at 10am!  I guess we'll just play it by ear, and hope that either the weatherman is wrong, or if not, I fall in the 50% that's supposed to be dry.

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