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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The good news is that the second footing/foundation frame passed the county inspection yesterday.  The not so good news is that when I talked to the metal building company in Arkansas, I was told that it didn't look like it was going to get delivered for several more weeks. 

Their closest distribution center is in Gallop, N.M., and when delivering/constructing in Arizona, they wait until they have several projects ready to go before delivery.  If it doesn't happen before the first week in Jan, they're going to have to wait until Feb when we're once again available.  After I fill up the form with concrete tomorrow, and it cures for a couple of days, I'll be ready for the building.  When it finally goes up, the last hurdle to clear with the county will be the final inspection, and if it's constructed properly, that should be a mere formality.

I got some more bad news yesterday while talking to my buddy Everett East, who along with Art Mitchell, are my real estate partners in the building & property housing our former business - Jamestown Harley-Davidson.  Due to unusually cold weather, one of the interior sprinkler pipes broke, causing damage to the building and to a lot of the inventory.  I guess if there's any silver lining, it was the fact that the burst pipe set off the security alarm, and in responding to the alarm, the flowing water was discovered fairly quickly.  It sounds like the business will be closed for several days, and there's a lot of cleanup and repair to be done.  I guess when it rains, it sometimes pours, or in this case, it froze!

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